FADRI Features 

August 17, 202311 min read


  • The platform includes many features, including unlimited sales funnels, web-building tools, SMS and calling capabilities, appointment booking, workflow, pipeline management, and more.

    All features are accessed via the FADRI dashboard.

    Many tasks, such as SMS messaging, conversation nurturing, and appointment booking can be completely automated.

1. CRM and Pipeline Management

FADRI allows you to set up an infinite number of marketing campaigns you can manage on the platform without using multiple logins and dashboards.

2. Unlimited Sales Funnels

Unlike many other funnel-building programs, FADRI does not place any restrictions on the amount of sales funnels you can create.

The building tool allows you to create funnel pages from scratch, or if you already use ClickFunnels, you can import your templates and existing funnels to the FADRI platform. 

The tool also allows you to embed handy conversion techniques such as a booking calendar, two-step order forms, countdown timers, and progress bars. Host your sales funnels on subdomains and add buttons that instruct the reader to click to call, text, or email.

3. Website Builder

Within the website builder, you have the same clean drag-and-drop interface to create one or multiple-page websites and the ability to embed forms and conversion techniques.

What sets this website builder apart from others is the ready-made industry templates available for you to use. For example, if you want to create a website for a lawyer, you can select the attorney template area and choose a premade layout.

Every aspect of the template is customizable so that you can alter it to your requirements, but having a base to work with speeds things up considerably.

4. Surveys and Forms

FADRI allows you to create unlimited polls, surveys, and forms and embed them into your client’s websites. These are great ways to acquire new leads and feedback from customers.

All data from your surveys and forms show up on the FADRI dashboard. You can also export it into a GoogleDocs spreadsheet, allowing you to filter the responses to get the necessary information.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of FADRI’s crowning features. The tool allows you to create your emails from scratch or use one of the many template options.

You can send out your emails immediately or schedule them to go out on a specific date or time. And you can send emails to batches of contacts at different intervals to help prevent your pipeline from becoming overloaded.

You can incorporate any emails you create into your marketing workflows (more on that below) and use them as part of multi-channel marketing campaigns. 

Other tools provided with the email builder allow you to:

  • Incorporate RSS feeds into emails.

  • Preview your emails and send test emails to your inbox.

  • Create custom unsubscribe links.

  • Add trigger links and hyperlinks.

  • View email statistics and reports to see how your campaigns are progressing.

6. 2-Way SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is a significant feature of FADRI and is a powerful tool for marketing campaigns and conversation nurturing. You can manually send text messages to a specific contact or automate the process by incorporating them into workflows.

Send, Record, and Track Text Messages

You can send all text messages from within the FADRI platform. The texts are sent directly to the contact’s phone number, and any replies will be recorded and tracked on FADRI. 

You can also view all automated or manually sent conversations on the platform.

Twilio Integration

The platform uses Twilio to send out SMS messages and calls. Twilio is a leading customer engagement platform, and most businesses and platforms with a text-based communication service are likely using Twilio.

You will be allocated a SID number when setting up a Twilio account. You plug this into FADRI, and you can then send messages and make calls. However, you must first purchase a phone number (costing $1 each) for each client.

Complete Messaging Customization

You choose what messages get sent to contacts and leads. You can build your text replies into workflows so that a specific text is sent out when it is triggered to do so.

You can also tell the system to send a specific reply when the lead messages certain words or phrases. For example, if the lead texts “join the club,” you can set it up to send an invite link as a reply.

Other communication methods can trigger text messages, too. For example, if a lead completes an online form and inputs their phone number, you can set up a text response to be sent.

7. Bookings and Appointments

You can set up and manage all appointments and bookings from the FADRI platform. 

When setting up the booking system for a campaign, you can choose the length of each appointment, the buffer time (time between appointments), which days appointments are available, and the date range. A timezone feature also prevents bookings from being made in time zones different from yours.

You can embed a calendar into funnels, forms, landing pages, and websites so the user can book an appointment directly. All appointments get automatically added to the pipeline of that particular campaign, and you can manage them from the FADRI dashboard.

8. Workflow Automation

The workflow tool makes the creation of marketing campaigns straightforward and places most of it on autopilot. The tool allows you to create what essentially looks like a flowchart. You create an event – an email invite, for example – then set follow-up events to occur.

The workflows are created using the drag-and-drop tool, plus you have submenus that allow you to customize the specifics of each event. For example, you can schedule the times and choose the days, among other parameters.

The beauty of this tool is that you can connect all your marketing channels (emails, social media, text, etc.) and use them in your workflows.

If you’re stuck, FADRI has created snapshots for multiple industries (spa, gym, attorney, etc.). Select the snapshot you want and use it to set up campaigns in minutes. You can also use workflows from previous campaigns and edit them for new ones.

Customize Follow-ups for Campaigns

Follow-ups can make or break a campaign as they keep the lead engaged for longer and can turn into a sale. You can use workflows to trigger specific actions after an event has occurred.

For example, if you held a free webinar, you can set up a follow-up that sends out a discount code to attendees. For the no-shows, you can send out a video for a replay and so on.

Create Multi-Channel Campaigns

Your campaigns can include as many – or as few – channels are you like. They can be purely one channel (email, for example) or be a mix of social media, text, and email.

The workflow tool lets you map out the chain of events, so you know precisely when and how each communication channel will kick in and what the message will be.

9. Course and Product Hosting

FADRI provides all the tools to sell courses and digital products, and you can create and host them on the FADRI platform.

Like all FADRI features, the drag-and-drop tool is prominent here. FADRI has already mapped out a general course structure for you to use as a template.

Here you can build your course and include as many elements as possible. Whether you choose text, images, video, or a mix of all three, you can add it here.

Full-Featured Course Management

You can add course sign-up pages to your funnels, landing pages, etc. Then, when a person signs up, they’re automatically given access to the content. You can manage memberships from the dashboard, and you can also view the data on membership and sales numbers you have.

FADRI integrates with Stripe, so if you want to host paid courses, you can set up an automatic payment, then when someone purchases your course, they will gain access.

Unlimited Video Hosting

Many course hosting platforms limit the amount of video you can add, but not FADRI. The platform allows you to host as much video content as you like. You can build a 100% video course if you want to.

Unlimited Users

You can have infinite users signed up for your courses. Whether one or 1,000 sign up, you won’t pay anything extra. Having unlimited users allows you to promote your course as much as you like without fear of becoming oversubscribed.

10. Reputation Management

This handy feature lets you set up one-click review request generation. Review requests can either be sent out via email or SMS and offer a convenient way to collect feedback and testimonials.

You can respond, track, and monitor incoming reviews from the dashboard. You can troubleshoot bad reviews by contacting the reviewer, addressing the problem, and reducing the impact of the negative review.

A review widget is available to embed onto your websites that pull review data onto the web page. So, rather than manually updating reviews, the widget will display the latest reviews in real-time.

11. Tracking and Analytics

You can view and analyze detailed campaign data to determine what’s working and what isn’t. The platform also integrates with Facebook and Google ads to view analytics and monitor how well your paid ads perform.

By viewing the detailed data, you can check the conversion rates of all your campaigns and find out which methods pull in the most leads or clients.

Another aspect of analytics is looking at the call and appointment reports to see how many were converted, no-shows, or cancellations. If you set up any follow-up events, you can also see how well these performed.

12. Mobile App

The app allows you to perform particular tasks and carry out conversations while on the go. You don’t have the full functionality of the FADRI platform, but you can do enough to keep things ticking over. 

With the FADRI mobile app, you can:

  • View your dashboard

  • Access and edit the calendar and appointments

  • Control review requests

  • Organize contacts

  • Carry out two-way communication

Two-Way Communication From Any Device

The most significant feature of the mobile app is the ability to carry out two-way conversations via text message and voice calls.

Direct call clients straight from the app, drop them a voicemail or send a text message to an individual or a group of contacts in one go.6. 2-Way SMS Marketing

13. Voice Call Management and Automation 

FADRI has a sophisticated and versatile call management system. As detailed earlier, you will need to set up a Twilio account and purchase a phone number for each client before using the following features.

Call Tracking

The call tracking feature shows you exactly where the call came from and which keywords were used online to find the number. Therefore, if you’re running multiple ads, you can tell which ones convert into calls and which aren’t.

Dashboard Dialer

You can make calls to leads directly from the dashboard while logged into FADRI; this is a handy tool because the system automatically records all calls and lets you view the call data.

No-Call Voicemail 

Just like they can receive text messages, leads and contacts can also receive a voicemail directly to their phone without it ringing. This works by using a clever hack, as telecommunication companies don’t allow direct voicemail drops to happen.

What the system does is call a lead’s phone and then immediately drop the call. The phone will be momentarily off the network, thanks to the dropped call. The system immediately calls the number again, and since the phone is off the network, it goes directly to voicemail.

While it doesn’t work 100% of the time, it’s a neat and useful trick.

Forced Calls

You can use Twilio to call clients’ phones and connect with new leads by automatically calling your client when a lead comes in on the FADRI platform. An automated voice will tell your client, “Hey, a lead came in. Are you interested? If so, press one

When your client presses one, it shifts the call to the lead’s phone number and dials it. If the lead picks up the phone, your client will talk directly with them, allowing them to connect with the lead while it’s still hot.

Bulk Broadcasting

You don’t have to sit there sending out messages and making phone calls one by one. You can set up a bulk broadcast group consisting of the leads you wish to contact and send them all the same message simultaneously.

Bulk broadcasting is ideal for sending out special offers, vouchers, or news updates.


The number of features you can access on the FADRI platform is unmatched and unbeatable for the service’s price. Whether new to marketing or a seasoned pro, you will find great value in the FADRI platform.

When you sign up, there is a lot to learn, but once you get the hang of all the features, it’ll be well worth the effort.

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